Paper Title

In this paper, through a review of works devoted to the improvement of education, it is argued that the transition to subject-oriented learning is a way out of the negative circumstances existing in modern education.The necessity of transition to teaching the key concepts of school mathematics (epistems) through solving open problems is indicated. Then constructive learning acts as a practical process of forming an intellectual polysubject.The novelty and results of the work are the theoretical foundations – principles (competence, existentiality, epistemology, constructiveness, acmeology) and a brief epistemological content of school mathematics with the division of written in standard, canonical and normal forms into two parts. Numbers written in standard form are accepted as digital information, due to the fact that in most cases, they express the results of counting and measurement. Numbers of normal form are taken as models of real-world objects of a certain set, considered from the outside. The numbers of the canonical form are due to models of specific elements of the real world considered from the inside.In summary, it is concluded that if the subject-oriented teaching of the developed content of school mathematics is introduced into the educational process, it can become the basis for the development of secondary, technical and vocational education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Keywords - Education, negative circumstances of modern education, subject-oriented learning, intellectual polysubject, competence, existentiality, epistemology, constructiveness, acmeology. Gratitude. The work is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (grant AP19678229 “Improving the quality of training for mathematics teachers based on the mandatory results of subject-oriented learning", 2023-2025).