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The rise of Metaverse banks marks a major advancement in digital banking, combining virtual reality and cutting-edge financial technologies to provide engaging banking experiences. This paper examines how Metaverse banks operate, assesses their effectiveness, and explores the crucial roles played by blockchain technology and cybersecurity in this new banking model. Metaverse banks function by offering virtual environments where users can engage with banking services and one another in a completely immersive setting. These banks utilize the functions of the Metaverse to provide interactive financial services like managing accounts, giving financial advice, and assisting customers through avatars in real-time. Blockchain technology greatly improves the effectiveness of these banks by ensuring secure transaction processing. Blockchain offers a decentralized and transparent system that guarantees secure, traceable, and unchangeable transactions, ultimately decreasing fraud and improving trust. Moreover, cybersecurity is essential in Metaverse banking because of the significant risks linked to digital settings. It is crucial to have strong cybersecurity measures in place to safeguard financial data and personal information from cyber threats like hacking and phishing attacks. Sophisticated security measures, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, are utilized to protect user information and meet regulatory requirements. This paper argues that the success of Metaverse banks depends greatly on effectively integrating blockchain technologies and strict cybersecurity measures, despite offering groundbreaking opportunities for user engagement and accessibility in banking. The ability of Metaverse banks to change financial interactions and improve operational efficiencies makes a strong argument for more investigation and implementation in the banking sector. Keywords - Metaverse Banking, Virtual Reality (VR) in Banking, Blockchain in Banking, Cybersecurity in Metaverse Banking, Augmented Reality (AR) in Banking, Digital Transformation in Banking, Financial Technology (FinTech), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), User Engagement in Digital Banking, Regulatory Challenges in Digital Banking