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According to the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) concept, all the people have right to get proper health services. In Bangladesh, both governmental and non-governmental agencies are trying to develop health services. But sometimes people in costal are face difficulties getting the health services. In this study, we have tried to find out the current health service situation among people living in coastal areas. Peoples who are living in the coastal area are underprivileged. The study population is all the service providers like- medical officers, family and women welfare centers (FWWs), sub assistant medical community officer (SAMCO), Nurses, and both service recipients and non-recipients of the area to be selected. We have followed a cross-sectional design to obtain information from the primary, secondary, and tertiary sources which will comprise all relevant categories of respondents. In this study, we have collected data in both quantitative and qualitative methods. Especially information is collected through in-depth interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire for both service providers and service recipients. We have analyzed current health service conditions and trends. Conditions of health services are presented with evidence-based data. A cross-sectional study is conducted with health service recipients and non-recipients in selected coastal areas in Bangladesh. A multistage random sampling procedure is used in this study. The aim of this study is to assess the health and well-being status based on current trends among the underprivileged people in coastal areas of Bangladesh. We have concerned with the extent and nature of health services, identify the level of awareness and precision of health workers, find the challenges in respect of health services utilization, compare the current health and wellbeing status in different sources, to access the performance of the service provider and to find the formulate policy recommendation for policymakers. In our observation, we have focused on infrastructure and other facilities of heal service center like waiting rooms, doctors’ rooms, availability of equipment for patient examination, history taking, general examination, clinical examination laboratory test, and special cases. It is found that the cleanliness of few centers is not healthy and hygienic. The condition of the operation theater is not satisfactory. Modern equipment and operation theater is essential for effective service. Keywords - Public Health, Health Indicator, Health and Wellbeing.