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Background and Objective: Indigenous communities are enriched with rich cultural assets. Theirway of life, food habits,festivals,customs, and costumes are unique which attracts visitors and transforms their habitats and community into Indigenous Cultural Tourism (ICT) destinations. Researchers showed that ICT has the potential to have both beneficial and negative effects on the host communities. Thus,this study analyzed the impact of ICTon the host community in Bangladesh.Specifically, this study analyzed the impact based on the three dimensions of sustainability: Economic, Social-Cultural, and Environmental. Methodology: The study used qualitative methods to examine the effects of ICT.In-depth interviews were conducted to collect data from 16 participants of the indigenous community of Chittagong Hill Tracks. The participants were selected following purposive sampling techniques. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. Findings: The study found that IndigenousCultural Tourism (ICT) has emerged as a crucial economic driver for the host community in Bangladesh.In terms of social cohesion and intercultural understanding, it facilitates good interactions between visitors and locals and encourages cultural exchanges that lead to community engagement. However, the study also drew attention to environmental issues, showing both beneficial adverse impacts on conservation efforts, improved resource pressure, and habitat degradation. In the sustainability dimensions, this research found thatICT haspositive impactson economic sustainability such as poverty alleviation, income & employment generation, demand for local products,and improved standards of living; socio-cultural impacts such as preservation of local culture and heritage, women empowerment, and strengthening communities. In contrast, the authors also highlighted the negative impacts on economic sustainability- price hikes, seasonality unemployment; sociocultural sustainability- cultural proliferation, hampers on privacy, crowdedness, and crime; and environmental sustainability- littering, habitat loss, soil erosion, and loss of endangered species. Practical Implications: This study will function as a comprehensive guide for the development of sustainable tourism practices and policies in Indigenous Cultural Tourism in Bangladesh. These strategies aim to benefit both visitors and the indigenous community by mitigating adverse effects and enhancing positive outcomes. Keywords - Indigenous Cultural Tourism; Host Community; Impact; Sustainable Tourism