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The downfall of renownedorganizations where the top management got greedy with serving their own interest over that of the other stakeholders has provided the essentialthoughtfulness to corporate governance best practices that it deserved. On the other hand, the human resource management policy affects the success of the business to a great extent. To reach the organizational goals, the value of the employees must align with that of the corporation. Corporate governance practice is established within acorporation through implementing the practice amongst the employees of that organization. This studyattempts to identify the relationship between corporate governance and human resource management practices in the textile industry of Bangladesh. It has used mixed method of research methodology to explore and identify the new dimensions of the aforesaid relationship. This study took all textile companies listed in Dhaka stock exchange for data collection. Questionnaire survey, intensive interviews took place to collect the information. to analyses all data the researcher used SPSS, Excel, NVIVO, factor analysis in different phases of the research. All the analyses showed that there is a significant relationship between corporate governance and human resource management in general. The study also found positive correlation between selected aspects of corporate governance and facets of human resources practices. It was also argued that good corporate governance practices lead to sound and transparent human resources practices in the organization. As textile industry is one of the significant industries of Bangladesh, the study findings are expected contribute significantly in case of policy reformation regarding governance and human resources practices in this sector. The future researchers can extend the horizon of the study by replicating in all other sector of the country and come up with findings as representation of the prevailing scenario in emerging economy. Keyword - Bangladesh, Corporate Governance, Human Resource Management, Textile Industry