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The socioeconomic recommendations are crucial for the success and impact of European Union (EU) projects, aligning with goals of economic growth, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability. These recommendations address regional disparities, promote stakeholder inclusivity, enhance project adaptability, ensure policy coherence, foster sustainability, and facilitate compliance with EU regulations. Transparency, accountability, and continuous learning further contribute to project legitimacy and effectiveness. Paper presents a set of socioeconomic recommendations aimed to encourage stakeholder interest and social acceptance of bio-based fertilisers (BBFs), that were developed as a part of the LEX4BIO project. These recommendations target policymakers at regional, national, and European levels. The defined socioeconomic recommendations include promoting sustainable agriculture through farmer training, incentives, and information dissemination to highlight the ecological and economic benefits of BBFs. Fostering research and innovation in advanced fertilisation techniques enhances BBFs' substitution for mineral fertilisers, promoting innovation in sustainable agriculture. Additionally, advocating for circular economy (CE) practices, such as recycling organic waste into BBFs, minimises resource waste and environmental impacts. Increasing public awareness through educational campaigns informs the public about BBFs' role in sustainable agriculture, emphasising environmental and climate impacts. Encouraging farmer cooperation and resource exchange facilitates BBFs access and adoption, promoting local collaboration and community cooperation. Lastly, providing tailored guidance on BBFs use for different crops and local conditions fosters knowledge sharing and establishes peer-to-peer networks to disseminate best practices. The main goal of introducing these recommendations should be the transformation towards sustainable agriculture in the member states.These recommendations provide a framework for policy development and stakeholder engagement to support BBFs' integration into European agriculture, contributing to the EU's Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy goals. Acknowledgments: This study has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 818309 (LEX4BIO). This output only reflects the author's view and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. Keywords - Sustainable Agriculture, Bio-Based Fertilisers, BBFs.