Paper Title
Evaluation of Some Botanical Extracts as Sugarcane Protectant Against Termite Infestation

Fagarazanthoxyloides and Kigeliaafricana were evaluated for their termicidal potential in controlling termite infestation in sugarcane. The sugarcane used for this experiment were obtained from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Teaching and Research farms The sugar cane were cut into setts with each sett consisting of two nodes. The plant materials were obtained from National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB), Ibadan, Oyo State. Four kilograms (4.0kg) and two kilograms (2.0 kg) each of the Kigeliaafricana and Fagarazanthoxynoides were weighed using an analytical weighing balance and soak separately in 4L and 2L of distilled water respectively. Each of this mixture were then left overnight for full fermentation to take place, thereafter, the extracts were separated from the mixture. The extract were serially diluted into 40%, 60% and 80% concentrations respectively. The standard control for the research were DDVP and one positive control using distilled water. Each cane setts were all subjected to different concentrations of the two plant extracts under treatment. Sett germination, percentage termite infestation, number of tillers, sett establishment, number of leaves, plant height as well as leaf area of the sugarcane were assessed. The results from the bioassay conducted indicated that extract of Fagarazanthoxyloides at 60% concentration achieved the highest germinated sett on the 4th, 5th and 6th weeks after planting. The percentage mortality of termite infestation showed Fagarazanthoxyloides extract at 60% concentration with less than 50% infestation. The effect of plant extract on sett establishment revealed that the control treatment had the highest percentage sett establishment of 94.44% which was significantly different from the other treatment with Fagarazanthoxyloides extract at 80% concentration recorded lowest percentage sett establishment with 73.33%. At 20th week after planting, Fagarazanthoxyloides extract at 6o% concentration had the highest number of tillers which was significantly different from the other treatments. The result from the experiment revealed that Fagarazanthoxyloides extract at 60% recorded the highest number of leaves at 10th, 15th and 20th week after planting and there were no significant difference among other treatments evaluated. Kigeliaafricana extract at 80% concentration recorded the highest height at the 10th and 15th week after planting. The leaf area was higher with cane sett treated with Fagarazanthoxyloides extract at 60% and this was significantly different from the other treatments followed by Fagarazanthoxyloides extracts at 40% concentration. The result revealed that both Kigeliaafricana and Fagarazanthoxyloides extract can be used as termicide against termite infesting sugarcane field and its incorporation into traditional pest control measure as well an integrated pest management would go a long way in solving the pestiferous activities of this nuisance pest affecting sugarcane production. Keywords - Fagarazanthoxyloides, Kigeliaafricana, sugarcane sett, termite infestation