Paper Title
Economic,Socio-DemographicandEnvironmentalAnalysisof FoodLoss/Waste(FLW)inIndonesia

Food loss/ waste (FLW) has become a global issue and concern due to its influences andlinkages with food security, economic performance, and environmental sustainability. As thesecond largest contributor to food waste in the world, each person in Indonesia is estimated toproduce 300 kg of FLW per capita per year. This study aims to analyze the economic, socio-demographic, and environmental aspects of food loss/ waste (FLW) in Indonesia. The researchmethod used is quantitative research using panel data regression analysis and EnvironmentalInput-Output (EIO) analysis. The results showed that GDP per capita and the percentage ofhouseholds with home ownership had a negative and insignificant effect, the population had anegative and significant effect, and the percentage of households with contract home ownershiphad a positive and insignificant effect on food waste in Indonesia. The accommodation and foodsupply sector is the sixth largest contributor to emissions in Indonesia at 44,308 tons while thewater supply, waste management, and recycling sector contributes 3,032 tons of emissionschange. Keywords - Food Loss, Food Waste, Environmental IO, EEIO, Economic-Social Demographics,SDGs