Paper Title
Groundwater Protection During Wellbore Drilling

During drilling operations special attention must be addressed to the adequate design (proper composition) of the mud used during drilling, especially the one used during the drilling for running surface casing that passes through the aquifer. Also, in next phase it is necessary to properly design the cement slurry, since casing must be cemented in place, in order to insulate the underground sources of drinking water (USDW) with quality cement sheath. Although during drilling there is a risk of groundwater pollution, it is necessary to take into account the pollution that can occur many years after the well is drilled, during the use of the well for various purposes such as production or injection of fluids, as well as after the well is abandoned. This paper will present the possible pollution of groundwater during drilling and possible migration paths of fluids into angroundwater duringthe entire lifetime of the well. Keywords - Drilling, Mud, Cementing, Migration Paths of Fluids Into An Aquifer, Groundwater Protection