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Introduction: With the aging of the population, postural changes pose a serious threat to them, with important implications for their level of health and quality of life. The great investment is in preventive actions in the fight against its determinants or later in the process of rehabilitation, imposing a special appeal to the joint efforts of all the intervenients. In this context, the present study aimed to identify the main determinants associated with postural changes in senior adults, using computerized biophotogrammetry. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional study using a nonprobabilistic, intentional and convenience sample composed by 50 seniors. The majority of whom were female, 76.00%, married 52.00%, and lived in rural areas 62.00% and 90.00% retired, average age 69.72 years (Dp = 5.68). The research protocol includes, besides a sociodemographic and clinical file, a procedure of postural evaluation through computerized biophotogrammetry. Such procedure is described as a method of measurement of postural angles, through specific software and validated for marking of protocol points with consequent registration of 4 photographs in the lateral, anterior and posterior views. Results: Of the sample, was found that 70% of seniors reported back pain , 30% did not report pain complaints, 48% were nourished, 94% did not smoke and 70% practiced physical activity.The most frequent postural changes were head leaning forward, which can be translated as thoracic hyperkinesis, antero-superior iliac spine elevation and elevation of the left shoulder, which can be translated in scoliosis.It was verified that variables of genders, marital status, zone residence , spine pain, physical activity, rehabilitation, smoking habits have great influence in postural changes, except the professional situation, cohabitation, falls and orthopedic diagnosis. Conclusion: The evidence of the results obtained shows the importance of postural analysis as an objective method of postural evaluation, emphasizing the need for further studies in this field in order to obtain a better planning of nursing care in rehabilitation. Keywords - Seniors, Posture, Biophotogrammetry, Rehabilitation.