Paper Title
Does Involvement In Community Service Predict Students� Development?

Colleges and universities are placing an emphasis on the importance of community service. Creating a generation that restore value for community is the goal of education. In fact, it is observed in every part of the world, that government and higher learning institution invests time and financial resources in promoting community service. In this study, the effect of community service on student development was examined. A total of 344 students in different program such as marine engineering, arts, criminology, hospital management and elementary, technical and secondary education from Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City, Campus and Palawan State University, Cuyo Campus were used as sample in the study. Data have been gathered on community engagement (level of community engagement behavior), number of hours and frequency of involvement, and type of service and student development (interpersonal, productivity, leadership and social and ethical responsibility) as variables. The study used descriptive research design. The data gathered were analyzed with multiple regressions using stepwise method with backward deletion method to eliminate weakest variables in predicting the influence of community engagement in students� development and p-values < 0.05 were considered significant. Community engagement (β =0.411, p<0.000), no. of hours volunteering (β =-0.096, p=0.043) and type of service (β =-0.112, p=0.023) emerged as predictors. The results of the study suggest that community service partially affect students� development when combined with other factors (academic service learning, etc) --- which is not involved in the study may greatly influence student development. Keywords: community service, service learning, student development, social and ethical responsibility, student outcomes