Paper Title
The Context and Effects of Romania's Accession to the Schengen Area

The Schengen Area is a manifestation of the intergovernmental logic inherent in the European economic integration process, considered one of the most significant achievements of the European Union. It has expanded freedom of movement, allowing over 420 million citizens to travel without internal border controls, as well as the unhindered cross-border flow of goods and services, yielding significant social and economic benefits at all levels of the European societal landscape. Joining the Schengen Area represents both a right and an obligation under the EU Accession Treaty, with Romania unequivocally committed to actively participating in all forms of cooperation aimed at deepening European integration. Since its EU accession in January 2007, Romania has de facto ensured the security of the EU's external borders. Both in the European societal context and in academic and scientific literature, it is widely recognized and empirically demonstrated that the elimination of internal border controls is one of the most visible and significant effects of European integration.On November 16, 2022, the European Commission requested the Council to promptly adopt the necessary decisions to allow Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia full participation in the Schengen Area. However, during the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting on December 8, 2022, votes were cast against the Schengen accession of Romania and Bulgaria. Austria exercised its veto right against Romania, and the Netherlands cast the second negative vote against Bulgaria's accession.Considering these circumstances and the societal and economic added value of effectively obtaining a right that Romania deserves and for which there are real premises for added European value, this study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the context and effects of Romania's accession to the Schengen Area, focusing on the costs and risks associated with non-accession. Throughout the research process, a multi-level and multi-parameter evaluation of Romania's current situation regarding Schengen accession will be undertaken, identifying the main benefits and costs of accession, as well as the risks and consequences of non-accession. Additionally, the study will examine how accession or non-accession to the Schengen Area might affect Romania's relations with other EU member states. Keywords - Schengen Area, European Integration, Romania's Accession, Four Freedoms, Cross-Border Security.