Paper Title
Fast Algorithms for Detecting Failures in Cyber-Physical Systems Using Unreliable Sensors

We address the problem of reliable fault detection in cyber-physical systems that can communicate with each other over the Internet and perform hybrid work, teaching and learning. To achieve the required level of security, our key idea is to check each component of the system several times in succession with unreliable sensors. Using a Bayesian approach, we build a mathematical model to find the minimum number of repeated failure tests required for each component. We then develop real-time scheduling algorithms and conduct computational experiments to detect faults in a real cyber-physical system consisting of several hundred components. We analyse a situation where more reliable sensors can lead to less effective troubleshooting. Finally, we compare the proposed real-time algorithms with two known fault detection algorithms and obtain encouraging practical results. Keywords - Failure Detection, Cyber-Physical System, Cybersecurity, Unreliable Sensors, Bayesian Analysis, Real-Time Algorithms