Paper Title
Recovery of Muscle Function Through the Transdermal Delivery of Chaenomeles Speciosa Extract Using a Supersonic Atomizer
Excessive strenuous exercise has been associated with oxidative stress and muscle inflammation to induce grip strength declines and muscle damage. Triterpenoid oleanolic acid and ursolic acid with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and can be extracted from Chaenomeles speciosa using ultrasonic sonication method. In this present study, weevaluated the repair effects of Chaenomeles speciosa extracts (CSE) on muscle damage induced by exercise-exposure in rats through the transdermal delivery using a supersonic atomizer. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of CSE for cells was10.5 mg/mL. CSE significantly reduced the generation of ROS and inflammatory factors of IL-6 and IL-1 in vitro cell tests. 6-week exercise exposure in rats significantly increasedIL-1, TNF- and IL-6.H&E stains showed infiltration of inflammatory cells, muscle damage with obvious splitting in gastrocnemius muscle. The grip strength significantly declined after 6-week exercise sxposure. After treatment with CSE, the damaged muscle showing with considerably decreased levels of IL-1, TNF- and IL-6, normal morphologies of gastrocnemius muscle and the grip strength reacquired, indicating the repair effect of CSE. As noted, pre-treatment with CSE demonstrated an immediately and significant increase of grip strength to about 165% in exercise-exposure rat at initial 12-h period as compared to control group.The results concluded thatCSE has potential repair in damaged muscle induced by exposure of strenuous exercise.
Keywords - Chaenomeles Speciosa, Oleanolic Acid,Ursolic Acid, Atomizer, Muscle Damage, Anti-Inflammation