Paper Title
Effect of Green Psychological Climate Components on Employees’ Strategic Green Behavior: Sampling from the Malaysian Armed Forces

Despite of the importance of sustaining green organization to support the global sustainable development goals (SDG) for environmental preservation and conservation, limited research has been done to prove the influence of green psychological climate (GPC) on employees’ strategic green behavior (ESGB) especially among the military personnel. Hence, the objective of this article is to determine the influence of several dimensions of GPC on ESGB. Using a census among the Malaysian Armed Forces, a Google Form was emailed to all military personal holding Grade 41 to 52 position; in which, 200 respondents were willing to get involved and were used as usable data to determine the influence of GPC on EGSB based on voluntary participation. Data was analyzed using a Multiple Linear Regression. Findings indicated that two components of GPC including the employees’ perception on organizational green policy and procedures were influencing the ESGB positively; meanwhile, employees’ perception on organizational practices was not a significant factor for ESG. Findings demonstrated that an organization, such as the military should have green organizational policy and procedures to increase the employees’ strategic green behavior; however, organizational green practices should be carefully designed to make sure that it will increase the ESGB. Keywords - green organization, sustainable development goals, green psychological climate, strategic green behavior, human resource development; management of military personnel; Malaysian Armed Forces