Paper Title
A Bibliometric Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Living Labs: Identifying Key Research Directions

The primary goal of the study is to examine trends in the research of applying the living lab approach in the studies relating to sustainable tourism development. In this paper, 796 scientific papers published between 2001 and 2022 were chosen from the aggregative database and analyzed using bibliographic parameters. For data analysis, the tools of, VOSviewer, and Harzing’s Publish or Perish software have been used. We sorted out the data by authors, journals, authors' institutions, countries, and cited ranks. We also looked at the network of keywords and terms from abstracts and structured them into groups to find out how research is organized in this field. LLs as methodology for co-creation user-centered open innovations in the real environment demonstrated a positive impact for sustainable development. Although still not widely utilized its potential in tourism sustainable development. Keywords - Living lab, Sustainable Tourism, Bibliometric Analysis, VOS Viewer, Sustainable Development.