Paper Title
The Impact of Physical Environment and Perceived Emotional Value on Airbnb Guest Satisfaction in The Malaysian Context

The hospitality industry, a significant contributor to global economies, has witnessed notable growth, with Airbnb emerging as a transformative force in the sharing economy. In Malaysia, the popularity of Airbnb accommodations is rising, but the absence of precise physical environment details in listings poses challenges for guests. This study addresses the influence of the physical environment and perceived emotional value on Airbnb guest satisfaction, employing the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory. The research, involving 238 respondents, utilizes a quantitative methodology and PLS-SEM analysis. The findings indicate that the physical environment significantly impacts guests' choice processes and fosters positive moods for future behaviour. The study contributes theoretically by enriching knowledge on physical environment stimuli, emotions (perceived emotional value), and guest satisfaction in the Malaysian Airbnb context. Methodologically, it showcases the mediating roles of perceived emotional value on guest satisfaction. The study's novelty reveals the mediating role of perceived emotional value in determining guest satisfaction within the SOR model for Malaysian Airbnb. These findings offer valuable insights for Airbnb hosts and industry stakeholders, facilitating a better understanding of physical environment dimensions, guest experiences, and emotions, ultimately influencing satisfaction, particularly in the Malaysian context. Keywords - Airbnb, Satisfaction, Perceived Emotional Value, Physical Environment, Hospitality Industry