Paper Title
Development of a Rapid Test for Detection of Campylobacter Jejuni in Listock Products

Campylobacteriosis is becoming increasingly important as a food poisoning infection in humans. Infected animals, birds and contaminated livestock products are the main cause of human infection with Campylobacter. In the EU, campylobacteriosis is among the most common zoonotic diseases, with 46 to 106 cases per 100,000 population. A similar situation is observed in the Republic of Kazakhstan.To control the contamination of livestock products with Campylobacter, a number of methods based on microbiological, molecular and immunobiological methods have been proposed. However, the most suitable test that meets the requirements of practical laboratories for food safety in food markets islateral flow assay, which allow detecting Campylobacter in animal products reliably and in a short time. Keywords - Campylobacteriosis, Immunochromatographic Assay, Food Safety, Meat, Milk