Paper Title
Role of Organisational Factors on Sustainable Procurement Behaviour: A Pilot Study

The goal of this study is to assess the construct of sustainable procurement behaviour's face validity and reliability in relation to organisational factors such as top management support, green transformational leadership, procedural justice, and regulatory force. This is done by examining a sample of data on the determinants of SPB among Malaysia's government procurement officers. In this cross-sectional study, we investigate the determinant of sustainable procurement behaviour among Malaysian public service organisation officers. The pilot study's findings supported the adapted instruments' reliability and face validity. Future studies may have a more expansive reach to ensure that the findings can be generalized. Researchers in sustainable procurement behaviour might conduct experimental studies to promote knowledge of sustainable procurement, which, in turn, would result in an increase in the government's use of sustainable procurement. Keywords - Sustainable Procurement Behaviour, Sustainable Procurement, Public Procurement, Organisational Factors