Paper Title
Hidden Factors Leading to Currency Crisis in Sudan: An Examination Using Real Trade Models (RTMs)
This research explores the intricate dynamics of the currency crisis in Sudan, focusing on the parallel foreign exchange market. Grounded in the Real Trade Models (RTMs) framework, the study investigates both detected and undetected factors influencing the exchange rate. Through qualitative interviews and rigorous data analysis, the research identifies key variables shaping the parallel market, including legal and illegal imports, under invoicing of exports, over invoicing of imports, and the diversion of migrants. The results reveal a significant positive relationship between these factors and the exchange rate in the parallel market. Notably, the study emphasizes the role of undetected causes, particularly migrants' remittance, in shaping the foreign currency crisis. The research contributes a theoretical framework and a model that shed light on the multifaceted nature of the crisis, providing insights for policymakers and stakeholders aiming to address the root causes and implement effective solutions.