Paper Title
Based on Blockchain Technology and Nftssocial Media Platforms: Addressing Challenges In Traditional Ownership Proof

The widespread availability of the internet has fueled the rapid development of social media, including popular platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Through these platforms, people can share, appreciate, and discuss content from around the world. However, mainstream social media platforms are typically centralized, raising concerns about data transparency, security, and traceability. Simultaneously, the swift dissemination of information on social media platforms has led to challenges in ownership. Therefore, we adopt blockchain technology to address these issues faced by social media platforms and discuss how blockchain technology tackles the current challenges in social media platforms.In this paper, we propose a framework for a social media platform based on blockchain technology and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). This framework achieves transparency, traceability, and decentralization of data while ensuring ownership verification of digital assets. We have also implemented and simulated this framework to test its functionality. Finally, we outline some limitations of this study and provide suggestions for future research. Keywords - Blockchain Technology, Nfts, Social Media Platforms, Proof Of Ownership