Paper Title
Evaluation of Nutrition Knowledge in Thai National Soccer Players

This study aimed to examine soccer players' awareness of their own dietary habits to identify nutritional understanding variables, attitudes, and fundamental informationconcerning the diet and nutritional status of soccerplayers representingtheir country's national team. A total of 120 national soccerplayers made up the study sample(n = 120), and the instrument employed was a 4-part questionnaire, with parts 1 and 2 measuring the participants' general knowledge and their understanding of nutrition.Part 3 was a questionnaire to assess attitudes toward sports. Part 4 of thequestionnaire was used to assess food consumption behavior.According to the study's findings, knowledge at the 0.01 level, national soccer players' attitudes and food intake habits are significantly associated (p < 0.01). That is, national soccerplayers who have a strong understanding of food intake will have a positive attitude toward food consumption. This shows that national soccerplayers who have knowledge of appropriate food consumption would have positive food consumption attitudes as a result. However, awareness of national soccerplayers' food consumption has practically no association with their food consumption habits, withstatistical insignificanceat the level of 0.348 (r = 0.086). That is, national soccerplayers who are knowledgeable about healthy eating are not guaranteed to exhibithealthy eating behavior. Keywords - Mobile Application, National Soccer Players, new digital platforms, Nutrition Knowledge