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Abstract - The continuous increase in the number of products produced and their alternatives, and the fact that consumers attach more importance to the search for information about healthy options and ethical practices for themselves and their environment, forces industries to restructure all their processes and develop eco-friendly and sustainable initiatives. In addition, with increasing awareness about the destruction of natural resources, consumers are motivated to contribute to the protection of the environment. In the traditional approach, production, consumption, waste and remanufacturing processes consist of many stages that can harm the environment. This process is not only limited to waste, it can also lead to waste of raw materials, natural resources, energy and labor. At this point, plastic packaging, which is in intensive use, not only consumes limited fossil resources but also causes large amounts of waste that harms marine and freshwater ecosystems. In this situation, there may be various ways to make eco-friendly production and consumption. One of these is packaging known as eco-friendly packaging. Packaging, which is a product feature at every stage from the creation of the product to after use, has significant effects on society and consumers. The structure of the material that makes up the packaging, its content, its recyclability, its low environmental impact and carbon footprint are important facts that need to be examined in terms of both the company that produces it, the consumers who will use it, and its contamination with the environment after use. The use of packaging as a communication tool affects the identity of businesses and brands. It appears to have various effects on consumers' attitudes and behaviors towards a product or brand, especially when they use eco-friendly packaging. In this regard, consumers prefer eco-friendly packaged products, especially non-recyclable plastic packaging creates a negative preference in terms of the usefulness of the product. Therefore, it can be thought that the packaging can create an eco-friendly perception in consumers. In this study, a critical review approach was adopted. With this study, it was concluded that eco-friendly packaging has an important role on consumer preference, and that knowing that the product they purchase is recyclable or eco-friendly makes consumers feel good about their contribution to the sustainability and protection of the environment as an eco-conscious individual. At the same time, it is thought that the use of eco-friendly packaging will encourage the reduction of the global ecological footprint, and it is possible to say that the efforts of marketing managers to increase eco-friendly awareness may increase consumers' search for eco-friendly products in the medium-long term. Keywords: Eco-Friendly, Eco-Friendly Packaging, Consumers’ Perspective