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Abstract - Communication has experienced a substantial upheaval in the swiftly growing digital era. The rapid progress in technology has facilitated instantaneous global connectivity, enabling individuals to establish communication with others across vast distances in a matter of seconds. The advent of online dating applications, exemplified by Tinder, has facilitated individuals to interact socially and establish connections via mobile devices or computers. Nevertheless, using Tinder introduces a set of difficulties and potential hazards, including apprehensions regarding privacy, manipulation of personal identification, safeguarding of data, and cybercrime, as exemplified by the narrative depicted in the film "The Tinder Swindler". Hence, the present study focuses on identity theory and the manipulation of self-identity, cybercrime, and the role of surveillance within the digital domain. The research method used is qualitative with a content analysis approach where the object of research is the documentary film "The Tinder Swindler," aired on Netflix. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, documentation study, and literature study methods. Based on the findings of the conducted analysis, it is evident that Simon Leviev, the individual responsible for the criminal activities depicted in that film, effectively engaged in deceptive practices such as catfishing, scamming, and fraud. Leviev secured substantial financial gains by deceiving numerous individuals from diverse countries. Finally, within the context of an ever-evolving digital landscape, it becomes imperative to establish stringent legislation and legal frameworks to address the issue of cybercrime. Surveillance assumes a significant role in the prevention and mitigation of criminal activities within the realm of digital environments. Keywords - Cybercrime, The Film “The Tinder Swindler”, Identity Theory And Identity Manipulation, Communication, Surveillance