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Abstract - Intensive use of information and communication technologies has brought a paradigm change in public administration as well as in many sectors. This digital revolution, built on the intersection of social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies, in public administration; It is seen as a fundamental tool in solving problems such as over-centralized structure, confidentiality in administration, inefficiency, clumsiness, bureaucratic resistance and organizational growth Although there is a widespread opinion that artificial intelligence (AI) will provide economic, social and political transformation, the inadequacy of studies on the extent of risks and opportunities in the long term, it creates a perception that the subject is evaluated superficially. In this context, it is very important to make a detailed assessment of the risks and opportunities offered by AI in public administration as well as in all other sectors and to increase studies to develop a theoretical maturity. Otherwise; focusing solely on the benefits that AI will bring to public administration problems will hinder paradigmatic progress in the discipline and leave administrations vulnerable to the uncertainty of AI's consequences. In this context, the aim of the study is to find an answer to the question of whether AI can be a solution to the basic problems of public administration.While seeking an answer to this question, first of all, the conceptual framework of AI will be discussed, then an analysis framework will be presented for the problems in the Turkish public administration system, which has been discussed since the 1960s, and finally, the role of AI in solving public administration problems will be discussed. As a result of the study, it was emphasized that AI is not a power that can solve all the complex problems of public administrations; however, it has been pointed out that it can be useful in developing new approaches and opportunities to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector today, when eroding trust in the state In the study, it was also underlined that AI has risks as well as some opportunities it offers for all sectors. Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Digital Technologies, Public Administration Problems