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Abstract - Women empowerment means promoting the ability to determine their own choices, rights, influence social change for themselves, and to empower themselves in workplace and in the community. It has emerged as a major global movement. Education and technology are two most important keys to empower women. When women are educated they are empowered and gain opportunities to speak up and stand for their rights and liberties. It is essential for their health and social development of their families, community and country at large. Safety, productivity and fulfillment can be obtained only when they are empowered. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserted that "everyone has the right to education". Education is a fundamental human right. It is the most essential tool for empowering women in the society. It is not only limited to developing personality of an individual but also plays an important role in economic, social and cultural development. They can reach full potential contributing their skills to the workforce and can raise healthier and happier children and families. Many National and International commitments suggestequality and empowerment of women regardless of any discrimination. While framing the Indian constitution, also empowerment of women and right to education was emphasized.Directive Principles and fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution adopted measures of positive discrimination in favor of women.Technology has particularly empowered women by changing their lives in the way of thinking, behaving and communicating.It has offered huge potential to increase economic opportunities and sustainability. Keywords - Women, education, Indian Constitution, Technology and Empowerment.