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Abstract - Conspicuous consumption has been widely investigated in business and economics. As time goes by, the perceived conspicuous consumption has evolved compared with the definition initially proposed. Conspicuous consumption is not an uncommon phenomenon in the sporting context. To illustrate, literature has suggested that sport consumers are usually willing to spend considerable amount of money purchasing certain limited sneakers endorsed by sport celebrity. However, empirical research regarding conspicuous consumption in professional sport context remains scant. This current study attempted to explore the relationship between conspicuous consumption and intention to re-attend professional basketball events in Taiwan along with the moderating effect of involvement on the relationship between conspicuous consumption and re-attendance intention. Plus League, a professional basketball league in Taiwan, is the research setting in the study. Random sampling was applied for data collection with 418 usable responses. The measurement for conspicuous consumption, intention to re-attend and involvement were adapted and modified from literature. Confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha were conducted to examine construct validity and internal consistency reliability. Hierarchical linear regression was performed to investigate relationship between conspicuous consumption and intention to re-attend professional basketball events along with the moderating effect of involvement on the relationship between conspicuous consumption and re-attendance intention. The statistical analysis indicated that conspicuous consumption positively predicted re-attendance intention. Additionally, involvement was demonstrated to moderate the relationship between conspicuous consumption and re-attendance intention. More specifically, spectators of greater involvement in their favorite franchise revealed greater intention to purchase the courtside tickets to attend the event than their counterparts of lower involvement. While empirical research concerning conspicuous consumption in spectating professional sport context was limited, this present study attempted to fill out the gap in the sport management literature. The findings from the study suggested that the greater conspicuous consumption perceived by spectators, the greater intention to re-attend the sporting events, which echoed the evolving definition of conspicuous consumption. Furthermore, spectator’s involvement in their favorite team strengthened the conspicuous consumption- re attendance intention relationship. Accordingly, marketing implication professional basketball franchises can be developed from the findings of the current study. Keywords – Conspicuous Consumption, Involvement, Professional Sport, Purchase Intention