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Abstract - This article was aimed at investigating the factors influencing the socioeconomic status of Isan female migrants. The quantitative research method was used, with the analysis unit at the individual level. The population was composed of female workers from the northeastern region who migrated to work in the central region, being employed during the survey period and had a period of residence in the destination of more than a year, from 1,713 samples obtained from the sub-secondary data of the Demographic Migration Survey Project, National Statistical Office (2019). The descriptive analysis was applied in addition to Multiple Regression Analysis to analyze factors influencing the socioeconomic status of Isan female migrants. The results showed that 48.6% of Isan female migrants were Generation Y and 71.4% were married. More than half of them migrated to Bangkok and its vicinity and more than two-thirds were self-migration. 29.1% of them lived in their destination for 21-30 years and 66.5 % were tenants. Three factors were considered in the socioeconomic status study: the highest degree of education, the level of skill required for the job, and the average monthly salary that was established as the standardized index. Only 2.8% of Isan female migrants had high socioeconomic levels, contrasted with 77.8% who were low. The results found that the factors influencing the socioeconomic status of Isan female migrants consisted of single marital status, self-migration, time spent in the destination, and home ownership with 0.05 level statistical significance. All independent variables explained the variation of the socioeconomic status of Isan female migrants at 32.5 (R-square = 0.325). Keywords - Internal migration, Socioeconomic Status, Female migrants, Female migration