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Abstract - With the rapid development of social media in recent years, this study focuses on the advertising on Podcast. Comparing different advertising types and the congruence between content and advertising, the experimental method of 2 (congruence: yes vs. no) x 2 (advertising type: advertorial vs. advertising break) is conducted. The results of ANOVA show that when the advertisement is incongruent with the content of the program, the consumers will have a higher purchase intention in the condition of advertising break than the advertorial. In addition, through the analysis of moderated mediation analysis, the results suggest the significant moderated mediation effects by the mediators of entertainment and credibility. The findings contribute to research on advertising congruence and advertising. Practitioners should pay attention to whether products are congruent with the content of the podcast programs when choosing to place advertisements, and also choose the suitable type of advertisements. Keywords - Podcast, Congruence Theory, Advertising Type, Entertainment, Credibility.