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Abstract - Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), an edible microalgae, contains numerous biomolecules potentially capable of preventing certain pathologies. Numerous algae-derived biomolecules have been investigated for their role in disease prevention and health, and for their potential use as dietary supplements. These photosynthetic microorganisms show commercial interest due to their ability to produce biomass. Furthermore, microalgae are generally considered an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and bioactive molecules which make them suitable for introduction into the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. However, to date there are no studies on the nutrigenomic effects of AFA. Therefore, we conducted research to test whether AFA could be an epigenetic modulator. In particular, we evaluated its ability to modulate DNA methylation in vitro, using an intestinal cell line. Our results indicate that AFA shows no toxicity on in vitro cells, even at high concentrations, and modulates DNA methylation globally, with particular relevance in the context of inflammation-induced epigenetic effect. AFA is able to reverse the demethylating effect induced by IL-1β on the IL8 gene promoter, and consequently reduce its expression. Preliminary results therefore suggest that AFA could play a significant role in the regulation of gene expression through the modulation of DNA methylation. These observations contribute to the understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms involved in the interaction between AFA and intestinal cells, providing interesting insights for further research on the potential use of AFA as a modulating agent of inflammation and gene expression. Therefore, the intake of AFA by humans or marine organisms could have beneficial effects on health. Keywords - Microalgae, Aphanizomenon Flos-aquae, Nutrigenomic, DNA Methylation. This work was done by PO FEAMP 2024-2022, misura 2.49 “Nutri-Ava – Nutrizione Funzionale per Avannotti”, Regione Siciliana, Assessorato Regionale dell’Agricoltura, dello Sviluppo Rurale e della Pesca Mediterranea. Dipartimento Regionale della Pesca Mediterranea SERVIZIO 2 “acquacultura e interventi diversificazione pesca”.