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Abstract – Patient safety - the global public health problem Patient safety is considered almost a distinct discipline in the health sector, which seeks to reduce the occurrence and impact of adverse events and maximize recovery after such an incident The literature states that a secure framework for the provision of healthcare services considers four areas in which measures must be taken related to patient safety: - the personnel providing healthcare services; - the beneficiaries of healthcare services; - the infrastructure of the therapeutic intervention systems; - the continuous improvement of feedback methods. Identifying the risk factors and establishing the needs for care, are the mission of the hospital. The strategy and strategic management of the hospital are consistent with the need for health care and the dynamics of the health services market. Establishing strategy creates reduced risk of medication errors, such as double checking, patient engagement, and use of technology information to improve care processes. Safe practices regarding the administration of medicines protect the safety of patients. Patient safety must be ensured at all levels throughout the care process, either at the hospital level, at the patients home or in emergency situations. Safe practices = safe patients = safe staff The management of non-clinical risks ensures the protection of patients, employees and visitors from potential harm. We need to improve patient safety to reduce risks! How?  Assessing the risks against the results of the reports of adverse reactions and adverse events.  Reporting adverse events caused by medication errors and their consequences.  Continuous training of medical staff on the safe use of medicines. This summary includes a retrospective analysis for the year 2022, which targets adverse events reported as adverse reactions, surveillance events, but also comorbidities that occur during treatment as well as situations in everyday life, such as a fall. It is important to keep in mind that all adverse events must be analyzed from a patho physiological point of view but also from a statistical point of view. This theoretical and conceptual analysis allows patient monitoring and prevention, with rapid results in the process of care. Among the most important topics related to patient safety are those related to the communication of the medical staff - patient, the prevention and control of infections, the safety of medicines and the procedures performed, the recognition and rapid response to incidents and accidents in the medical unit. Keywords - Safety, Liability, Adverse Event.