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Abstract - Artificial Intelligence has the potentiality to innovate education in many areas, including medicine. Since 1996 we work in the area of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, developing GLARE (Guideline Acquisition, Representation and Execution), a decision support system, within a long-term project for the design of advanced AI supports for the management of Computer-Interpretable Clinical Guidelines (CIGs). Recently, we have started to investigate the adoption of AI and CIG systems for medical education. In this paper, we highlight goals, research plan and methods of a two-year project started on May 2nd 2023, funded by Compagnia San Paolo, involving our University, an Hospital, and a dissemination company, and devoted to AI-based personalized medical education. The project will design and develop advanced AI supports for medical education through CIGs, including a facility for simulating the application of CIGs on “virtual” patients, and a facility for student (self)assessment, comparing the conformance of the treatments suggested by the students with the recommendations provided by the CIGs. The Italian melanoma guideline will be considered as a case study. A six-month course will be held for a cohort of general practitioners of the Alessandria territory, distinguishing between a class adopting AI-based personalized education and a control class. The learning results obtained by the two classes will be compared. Additionally, dissemination among physicians, medical policy makers, and citizens will be an additional goal of the project, to promote “a culture of AI in medicine”. Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Education, Personalization, Computer Interpretable Clinical Guidelines, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.