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Supply chain management (SCM) involves the coordination of various processes, including procurement, production, and distribution, to ensure that products are delivered to the customers efficiently and effectively, whereas entrepreneurship involves the identification of opportunities and the creation of businesses to satisfy unmet needs or solve problems in the market. This research study is predicated on the premise that entrepreneurship and supply chain management (SCM), together, contribute to the creation and scaling of successful startup companies. This study, then, seeks to explore how the integration of supply chain management and entrepreneurship can lead to the creation of a successful startup, through opportunity identification; and how startups can improve their supply chain to scale up their businesses. Our main objective is to show how and why in today's fast-paced business world, entrepreneurs need to have a deep understanding of supply chain management (SCM) to create business opportunities and to ensure the success of their startup company. Entrepreneurs who are well-versed in SCM can create more innovative products, reduce costs, and improve their overall competitiveness.Our case examples demonstrate how supply chain management and entrepreneurship are interconnected. We also showhow supply chain analysis enables entrepreneurs to identify inefficiencies, optimize their supply chains and reduce costs, thereby remaining competitive and eventually scaling up their businesses. Moreover, weshow how, by using supply chain analysis to generate new ideas, entrepreneurs can create innovative products and services that meet customer needs and differentiate themselves from competitors. Keywords - Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Opportunity Identification, Strategic Planning.