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Abstract - Sudan, being one of the largest countries in Africa, has a unique historical experience that sets it apart from most of the continent's nations. Unlike other African nations that were under the direct control of British, French, or German colonial powers, Sudan was administered by a joint British- Egyptian colonial regime, which has influenced its public administration structure. However, Sudan's political history has also been characterized by a series of events that culminated in the rise of Al Bashir and the administrative structure of the country. The paper argues that while Sudan has made some progress in its public administrative reform process, there is still a long way to go. The reform initiatives have faced several challenges, including inadequate financial resources, limited capacity, and resistance to change. The paper, therefore, calls for continued commitment to the reform process, with a focus on strengthening the decentralization of power and decision-making, and human resource management. This paper seeks to examine the reform process of Sudan public administration from 1989 to 2019; it looks at reforms that targeted the central-local government as well as institutions and the constitution. The research explains the effect and the result of the administrative reforms movement and struggles in Sudan. Moreover, the nature of the political practice is the one that directly affects the nature of the relationship between the levels of government. Also, the research provides a future perspective for the public administration system, and how Sudan should be governed. Keywords - Sudan Native Administration, Local Government, Central Government, Decentralization.