Paper Title
Accomplishing Sustainable Development Using Artificial Intelligence- An Insight View

Abstract - The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has a constantly growing impact across a variety of industries, so it is essential to evaluate and analyse how AI is affecting in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. To support AI's rapid progress and promote sustainable development, administrative supervision, and knowledge are required. Failing to do so might lead to lapses in ethics, safety, and efficiency. The rapid development of technologies like sensor technology and robotics, along with automated decision-making and predictive analytics, is likely to impact how individuals, communities, governments, and private sectors perceive and react to climatic and ecological change. To monitor climatic and ecological change various AI techniques have been used to visualize different patterns. Additionally, it appears that investments in the use of these technologies in forestry, agriculture, and the extraction of potential systemic risks. An overview of the development of these technologies in several fields toward sustainable AI is given in this study. Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Automated Decision Making, Ecological Change, Sustainable Development Goals.