Paper Title
Fabrication of Gas Separation Membrane From Plastic High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

High density polyethylene (HDPE) is one of the most popular types of polyethylene (PE) used worldwide. HDPE is usually used as a material for plastic bags. The serious environmental problem of non-biodegradable HDPE waste is a challenge to be utilized. This HDPE plastic is a potential material for gas separation membrane due to their ability to form a film layer. HDPE has properties such as ozone resistance, and good electrical properties. This research aims to utilize HDPE waste for gas separation membrane. In this study, HDPE membranes were prepared using flat-sheet modulation at various concentrations of 15, 17 and 19% (w/w). Membrane HDPE were characterized using FTIR, SEM and tested for permeation for gas separation of H2, N2, CO2, and CH4 with single gas reactor. The most optimum gas separation results with a concentration of 15%. The more concentrations used, the lower the permeability and selectivity of the gas. The results of the gas separation selectivity were CO2/CH4 ; CO2/N2; H2/N2; H2/CH4; N2/CH4 and H2/CO2 each of 1.3 ; 0.49 ; 2.29; 6,13 ; 2.68 and 4.72. Keywords - : High Density Polyethylene, Gas Separation, Flat-sheet Membrane