Paper Title
The Nexus Between Environmental Management and Corporate Sustainability of Listed Mining and Manufacturing Companies in South Africa

Companies in the developing countries need to understand the significance of environmental management on corporate sustainability in order to adopt environmental initiatives that can enhance both business performance and environmental protection. Therefore, this paper examines the impact of environmental management on corporate sustainability of listed mining and manufacturing firms listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. To attain the key objective of the research, 58 Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed mining and manufacturing firms were selected on the availability of data from sustainability reports from 2012 to 2021.SPSS 26 was adopted to evaluate the link between environmental management and corporate sustainability. The findings specify that two environmental management indicators, namely environmental training and audits, are significantly and positively linked to corporate sustainability. Corporate sustainability is measured by return on assets. The results provide adequate motivation for corporate managers to voluntarily implement environmental management initiatives as a source of better corporate performance. Keywords - Environmental Management, Corporate Sustainability, Environmental Audits, Return on Assets, Environmental Training