Paper Title
Emergency Remote Teaching during COVID-19 at Military Technological College and the Enhancement for any Future (ERT)
The rapid development in the learning technology is resulted in the transform of new learning environments that rely on technology systems. The technology in learning becomes one of the challenges that every institution tries to utilize. There is no doubt that technology facilitates many tasks, save time and efforts for the institution, educators, and students as well. During the pandemic COVID-19 many academic institutions around the world faced a challenge in shifting education from the normal teaching mode to what is called “Emergency Remote Teaching”. This study aims to highlight the improvements in eLearning delivery and faculty professional development that can be gleaned from the COVID-19 experience, in order to better prepare for any future emergency situations. It is evident that the continuous improvement in the eLearning infrastructure and the faculty member professional development will ensure the organization readiness for any future emergency remote teaching (ERT).
Keywords - Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT), Technology, COVID-19, Pandemic.