Paper Title
Carbon Nanoparticle Emissive Pathways Controlled by Selective Surface Functionalization

Carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) have a lot of potential for use in a variety of applications. The functional groups significantly influence the absorption and emission properties of the NPs on their surface. The precise function of functional groups as well as the effective emission mechanism of CNPs, are still unknown. Quantifying the oxygen-based function groups on the surface of activated carbon (AC) nanoparticles and their impact on the emission characteristics have been the focus of this thorough work. Following the activation of mandarin peel green waste, AC samples were further processed to achieve various levels of surface functionality for different oxygen-containing functional groups, including carbonyl, carboxyl, phenol, and lactone. The functional groups were identified, and their sizes were calculated using a variety of characterization approaches. A thorough emission investigation identified the function of particular functional groups in the emission process. Significant findings from this study may help clarify CNP emission mechanisms and the crucial functions of surface functional groups. Keywords - Carbon Nanoparticles (CNPS), Absorption, Deconvoluted PL Spectrum, XRD