Paper Title
A Study of Air Quality at Some Border Crossing Points to and From Ukraine

This paper analyses the concentrations of PM2.5; PM10; NO2 and CO emitted by heavy tonnage trucks entering or leaving Ukraine at the border points: a) Galati, where the waiting time is 120 min and roadworks are being carried out on two exit carriageways; b) Isaccea, where the waiting time is more than 300 min and one carriageway is under repair. In these towns, the traffic is very heavy: there are numerous large trucks, but also private cars, as well as pedestrians. Crossing the border is only done via the river Danube by ferry boat (which can carry only people, only trucks or both). At Siret customs (in the north of Romania), in December 2022 the convoy of trucks was more than 25km long and had to wait for 30 hours at the Romanian border. Under these circumstances, averages for PM10=80.21g/m3 were found in Galati and Isaccea; PM2.5=28.21g/m3; NO2=54.96g/m3 and CO=8.21mg/m3. These environments exceed the limit values for the protection of human health as follows: for PM10 by 13.36%, for PM2.5 by 187.9%, for NO2 by 48.55% and for CO by 67.63%. The measurements and interpretations were made taking into account Commission Directive 2015/1480 of August 28, 2015, regarding the amendment of several annexes to Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and those of the Commission, aimed at establishing the rules on reference methods, data validation and location of sampling points for the assessment of ambient air quality (which differs substantially from romanian Law 104/15 June 2011 on ambient air quality). Keywords - Heavy Tonnage Trucks, Concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, NO2 and CO.