Paper Title
Global Understanding for Reducing Global Warming

Global warming is the long-term rise in global average temperature. Climate change is a closely related term which means long-term change in the weather patternsof Earth’s local, regional and global environments. Global warming as an important element of climate change is adverselyaffecting most communities around the world and it is going to be intensified in coming years. However, it is not fully understood or seriously taken by many communities. How to promote global understanding of global warming so that communities become interested in working together cooperatively in order to reduce global warming? This is the central question this research attempts to address. Today, the climate of the planet is changing rapidly and dangerously due to some harmful human activities combined with some other factors. Climate induced extreme events such as floods, droughts, storms, sea level rise that effect economically important sectors need to be explainedwith their links to global warming and climate change. Causal relationship between certain pollution related practices and global warming should be explained in simple ways. Greenhouse gases in reasonable quantities are required for supporting life on Earth. However, since the beginning of industrial revolution, 1.4 degree Fahrenheit rise in global average temperature is unleashing extreme events such as floods, droughts, storms primarily due to harmful human activities. Proposals for reduction of global warmingadvanced bythe United Nations (UN) and other organizationswould be generally explained in simple terms for understanding based on community characteristics and mass media.UN Climate Summit 2022 in Egypt took an important step of agreeing to set up a “loss and damage” fund meant to help countries that need help in the process of recovering from damage in a eco-friendly way; financial incentives may encourage the development and adoption of clean technologies.In addition, eco-literacy curricula in schools and colleges will be promoted in order to make sure the proper education and understanding reaches most communities around the world. Various technological and engineering innovations that may help in reducing global warming will be explained at the appropriate levels of audience illustrating local, regional and global benefits of clean technologies. We hope to utilize modern communication media and innovations in polite and friendly manner for sharing information and achieving the proposed global understanding.