Paper Title
Two Dissimilar Cases of Intraocular Cysticercosis and Neurocysticercosis - Why was the Result Different?

Even though it is uncommon, starting antihelminthic medication without taking care of the intraocular cysticerci could result in visual loss if parenchymal and intraocular cysticercosis coexist. We report two examples of parenchymal and intravitreal cysticerci with diverse results and talk about the variables that may have an impact. One patient, a 19-year-old who had been experiencing right eye vision loss for 10 days, was evaluated and found to have intraocular and brain parenchymal cysticerci. The cyst was removed during vitrectomy, and the patient then received antihelminthic therapy, steroids, and a favourable visual outcome. The visual acuity of a different patient, a 40-year-old male with a six-month history of seizures and five months of impaired vision who was diagnosed with parenchymal and intraocular cysticerci, was treated similarly but did not experience any improvement. These instances demonstrate that better treatment outcomes are related to earlier intervention, shorter illness duration, and younger age of presentation. The development of innovative control and/or disease management techniques, whether they are chemotherapeutic, immunomodulatory, or immunoprophylactic in character, will benefit patients. Keywords - Intraocular Cysticerci, Antihelminthic.