Paper Title
Studying The Impact of Risk Management on the Profitability of Bank

This research is based on the study "Studying the Impact of Risk Management on the Profitability of bank." in this paper aims to investigate the many elements Recognize How risk management impact profitability, investigate risk in commercial banks. As well as the link between risk management and profitability. The research paper with the help of primary data and secondary data. The primary data is obtained through exploring questionnaire, feedback. The secondary data has been extracted from websites and newspaper. A regular credit score threat, on the other hand, has a major influence on a bank's profitability. Because of ineffective credit risk management, the bank suffers credit risk. As a result, it is strongly advised that credit risk control processes in banks be improved. Banks can reduce credit risk by cutting nonperforming assets and managing leverage effectively. Keywords- Risk Management, Profitability, RISK, Credit Risk.