Paper Title
Relationship between Microcytic and Normocytic Anemia and The Levels of Anemia in Trimester III Pregnant Women

This paper discusses the relationship between the type of anemia associated with the level of anemia. The population is all pregnant women in the Makassar area of 35 people, using the cross sectional method. The results of this study showed that there were two anemias found in pregnant women, namely microcytic anemia and normocytic anemia and types of anemia, namely mild and moderate anemia. The results of the study is that there is a relationship between the type of anemia and the level of anemia. In this study it is hoped that it will be developed for further examination so that it can be other than the type of anemia found above so that it can prevent perinatal and maternal impacts. Keywords - Microcytic Anemia, Normocytic Anemia, Mild Anemia, and Severe Anemia