Paper Title
Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998): Study Parental Leave of Male Employee in Comparison with International Labour Standard and Law of other Countries

The objectives of this study are: 1. To study the concept relating to parental leave of male employer; 2. To analyze the comparison of the law on maternity leave of male employer in Thailand, international labour standard, and laws of other countries; and 3. To propose the guideline of amending law on parental leave of male employer suitable for Thailand. This study is the Qualitative Research by Documentary Research. The result of the study provides that the Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998) has not given the right to male employer to take parental leave, which is different from male officer entitled to take parental leave. It is also not in compliance with international labour standard set out in the Maternity Protection Recommendation, 2000 (No. 191), which specified that mail employer who is the father and is employed, should be entitled to take parental leave after the end of the period of maternity leave. The law of Korea specifies in the Equal Employment Opportunity and Work - Family Balance Assistance Act, 2021 that the male employer is entitled to take parental leave due to his spouse’s childbirth. Therefore, the Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998) should be amended by adding this type of leave to help their wives after childbirth intermittently for non-consecutive period of 15 days with paid equal to the wage rate of work day during the leave period so that male employer will have time to take care of his child and this will build the mechanism of child development and lighten the load. Keywords - Parental Leave, Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998), Maternity Protection Recommendation, 2000 (No. 191), Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183)