Paper Title
Estimating the Greenhouse Gases Emission Per Capita of Farmers in Crops Producing in Guilan Province Of Iran

In this research, the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions per capita of farmers in tea, peanut and kiwifruit producing in Guilan province, Iran was studied. Data were collected using farmers� questionnaire in the 2011-2012 production years. The results revealed that the highest share of GHG emissions for tea, peanut and kiwifruit production systems belonged to chemical fertilizer (76%), diesel fuel (58%) and electricity (47%), respectively. A total greenhouse gas emission for the production of these crops were calculated as 1281.82, 822.29 and 4518.99 KgCO2eq ha-1, respectively. The average ownership area for tea, peanut and kiwifruit production in Guilan province were calculated as 0.2, 0.8 and 0.7 hectares, respectively. The relationship between the farm size and GHG emissions in peanut and kiwifruit production was significant at 10% level. This relationship for tea production was significant at the level of 5%. The correlation between farm size and GHG emissions in the production of all three crops was inverse. The amount of GHG emissions per capita of farmers in tea, peanut and kiwifruit production in Guilan province were obtained 256.36, 657.83 and 3163.29 kgCO2eq per farmer, respectively. Finally, the amount of GHG emissions per capita of farmers in Guilan province, Iran was 1359.16 kgCO2eq per farmer in that year. Keywords� Agriculture, Energy, Environmental Management, Pollution.