Paper Title
VOCS Removal Technology using Electrolysis and Catalytic System

A new system combining electrolysis and catalytic systems has been proposed for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The catalytic activity and reaction characteristics of Pt/TiO2 catalysts were investigated for the oxidation of H2 and gaseous VOCs. Test results of catalyst activity suggest that H2 oxidation can generate heat from the exothermic reaction of the catalyst and plays an important role in the oxidation of toluene at low temperatures. A catalytic coating was applied to the honeycomb structure. They also designed catalyst systems and derived critical factors from evaluating their activity under different operating conditions. The VOCs removal system combined with the honeycomb catalyst developed in this study provides a practical and safe approach for liquid and gaseous VOCs removal. Keywords - Pt/Tio2 Catalysts, Volatile Organic Compounds, Exothermal Reaction