Paper Title
Digital Divide of 21st Century Skills to Promote Sustainable Development and Digital Economy: Evidence from China Small Cities Economies

Digital divide is a growing gap in digital literacy and access. As the digital world continues to expand, the gap between those who are connected to it and those who are not continues to widen. The lack of digital resources and infrastructure among communities of lower economic status and minority communities is a growing concern. The digital divide stems from the gap in education, income and access, which leads to an unequal distribution of technologies, opportunities and resources. The advancement in the innovation technology, 21st century skills and the use of ICT and computer skills are important for the sustainable development. The unequal access of innovation technology, digital skills and ICT training is the main purpose of the study. By using the modern data analysis method this study explore that which socioeconomic factors impact the digital technology in China's small cities. This study identify that which 21st century skills are needed for the populations of the small cities of China and which training have significant impact on sustainable developments and digital economy. The results of the study indicated that the income have the significant impact on the digital skills. The higher income peoples have high digital skills level as compared to the low level of the income peoples. The overall finding of the study reveals that socio-economic factors like education, age, income, occupation are important for the sustainable developments in small city of China. This study is also beneficial to policy makers for sustainable development in the small city of China. Keywords - Digital Skills, Digital Divide, Information Resource, Information Technology, Sustainable Development