Paper Title
Financial Technology and the Transformation of Banking Services

This article's primary goal is to examine and debate the part played by fintech in modernizing Indian banking services. Secondary source analysis is carried out, and the research design is qualitative. Secondary information is gathered from pertinent journal articles, academic papers, editorials, websites, and government records. The investigation concludes that major factors contributed significantly to India’s fintech development. Programs to promote financial literacy and India Stack are two important initiatives that aid India's success in the fintech industry. In India, various Fintech companies are revolutionizing multiple financial services such as payment solutions, personal loan lending, credit cards, personal finance management solutions, and one-stop online banking. Underserved demographics, a flexible regulatory environment, and a higher level of engagement from state authorities influence how Malaysia's fintech industry will develop. The study paper describes the function of fintech companies in Malaysia's banking sector. Many people have considered fintech a disruptive technology. However, this study showed that the industry has altered Malaysian banking services and that there are still prospects for the sector to grow in Malaysia. Keywords - Finance, Technology, Financial Technology, Banking, Services, Banking Services, India