Paper Title
The Case Study of the First LEED Zero Energy Certified School in Asia
The Taiwan Ministry of Education began to actively promote the "Sustainable Campus Exploration Project" in 2017, assisting schools to go through the process of self-examination and planning and then proposing the school's self-inspection and sustainable projects and integrated planning. After constructing a perfect sustainable campus blueprint, combined with rich teaching courses, it fully conveys the spirit of sustainable development. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Zero Energy is the most discussed green building certification in the world. The Discovery Elementary School in the United States obtained this certification in 2018. However, up to date, there is no LEED Zero Energy certified campus case in Asia. Consequently, whether LEED Zero Energy certification can be achieved in Asia remains unknown. This study intends to explore the critical success factors and methods for attaining LEED Zero Energy certification on campuses in Asia. Through the actual application for certification of the Namasia Elementary School, analyze the key success factors and methods. The result shows that high-insulation building materials, design according to local conditions, energy-saving equipment, and renewable energy production during the construction planning stage are essential factors to consider to obtain LEED Zero Energy certification. Additionally, energy monitoring and management during the operation stage, ensuring the regular operation of all energy-saving measures, and continuously seeking energy-saving is even more significant in a project. For future suggestions, the project may consider not only using the building as a classroom but also combine with teaching courses to convey the spirit of sustainable development fully.
Keywords - Sustainable Campus, Net Zero Energy, Sustainable Education, LEED.